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An Expat Perspective : The Li Brocade dreams of 3 expats(一個外籍人士的視角3個外籍人士的李錦夢)

2022-12-04 11:49:27 来源: 世界新闻网 责任编辑:张春 点击图片浏览下一页

Nicki and Inge talk about Li Brocade. (尼基和英格談論李錦)

Nicki Johnson and Ally Duckett from the United States, along with Inge Adendorff from South Africa and a local Chinese artist have formed a team of Li brocade inspired artists called Magnificent Li Handicrafts. 

(來自美國的Nicki Johnson和Ally Duckett,以及來自南非的Inge Adendorff和一位當地的中國藝術家組成了一個由受黎錦啓發的藝術家組成的團隊,名爲壯麗的黎族手工藝品)


Key chains designed and made by Nicki Johnson.(設計和製造的鑰匙鏈)

Nicki Johnson has been living in Hainan for 17 years, and her first encounter with Li brocade was a gift from a friend. Due to her work, Nicki has had the chance to visit several Li villages to learn more about Li brocade techniques and Li culture. She said that when she sees a Li brocade pattern, she is very excited to take pictures of it with her phone, then study it later at home, and ask people who might know about it to tell her more about the meaning. When people ask about the handicrafts she designs, Nicki is thrilled to share the stories behind the different Li brocade patterns that inspire them. She hopes that more people will learn about and become interested in the culture, history, and beauty of Li Brocade.



Beach dress designed and made by  Ally Duckett.(艾莉·達克特設計製作的沙灘裙)

Ally has been living in Hainan for ten years. In 2020, Ally found out about the competition for the 2020 Hainan Culture Week of Brocade & Embroidery World Art - A Creative Design Screening Selection of Li Brocade and Decorative Patterns. That was the first time she learned about Li brocade patterns, and she was immediately fascinated by them. She decided to design beachwear with Li brocade patterns for the contest. Coincidentally, she met Inge, who offered to help her with the clothing patterns. Ally later started adding Li brocade patterns to her digital painting and abstract art, thus finding a broader creative direction.



Bags designed and made by Inge Adendorff.(由英格·阿登道夫設計和製作的包)

Inge, who has been in Hainan for three years, came from a design background. When she first saw Li brocade, she felt that it was full of stories. When it comes to rejuvenating traditional Li brocade, Inge believes that it is essential for more young people to learn about the local culture and the skills of Li brocade.


For three of them, Li brocade is an art that tells many tales, a continuation of an ancient culture, and a vivid embodiment of natural life. They each have found their own way to bring people from around the world into contact with this ancient art, and hope that everyone who encounters Li brocade will fall in love with it just as they have, and join in the effort to keep the tradition alive. 




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